Meals and Visiting Times
In our homes we have chefs who pride themselves on catering for a variety of specialised diets. Our Manager and chefs work to provide a well balanced nutritional diet for all our service users.
As well as running the kitchen, our chefs find time to introduce themselves to the service users to obtain information regarding their likes, dislikes and any special diets they may require. They also liaise with the care staff and adapt menus to suit all individual needs. We also encourage family and friends to partake in mealtimes with their loved ones to feel at home here.
Visiting times:
Walshaw care homes operate an open visiting policy, visiting is usually between 8am and 10pm but again depends on individual needs. We want your visit to be pleasant and enjoyable, we have private visiting areas around the home if you require privacy or you are welcome to stay in our comfortable lounges. You will always be offered refreshments during your visit. Should your loved one be terminally ill arrangements can be made for you to stay overnight if you should wish to to allow you to support your relative, these arrangements can be made by informing the home manager.